The Gothic name Tzittas
Los 1642
Tzittas (Gothic name), circa 550-650. Seal (Lead, 18 mm, 4.36 g, 12 h). Nimbate bust of the Mother of God holding Christ; to left and right, cross. Rev. Cruciform monogram of TZITTA. Zacos/Veglery 1226. Very fine.

Ex Leu Web Auction 29, 24-26 February 2024, 2278 and previously from a European collection, formed before 2005.

The name Tzittas reveals the Gothic origin of this seal’s owner. Following Justinian's wars of conquest in the West, many Goths entered into Byzantine service and at times achieved very high positions in the imperial army. They also served in the elite brigades that were privately employed by generals such as Belisarius and Johannes Troglita. A military commander named Tzittas is known in the first half of the sixth century, while another Tzittas, who held the ranks of spatharios and kandidatos, is attested for the year 605 as being beheaded on the orders of Phokas. Several seal types are known bearing the monogram of the name Tzittas.
50 CHF
50 CHF
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